As humans, we have many differences, but the one thing that most of us have in common Is protecting our children. We want to leave a safer, kinder world for them. That world does not include companies that put profit above human lives, especially those of our children. Here is what is happening in the tobacco industry that we want to make you aware of.
As vaping grew in popularity, the tobacco industry began to decline in profitability. Big Tobacco gobbled up vape companies, formed some of their own and started recruiting another generation of addicted youth to keep their pockets lined. There are also independent vape companies doing the same.
In 2023, more than 6 of every 100 middle school students (6.6%) and about 1 of every 8 high school students (12.6%) reported current use of a tobacco product. E-cigarettes remained the most commonly used tobacco product among youths. Among middle school and high school students who currently use e-cigarettes, 25.2% used e-cigarettes daily, and 89.4% used flavored e-cigarettes.
Juul is probably one of the most recognized for going after youth with their vape products. They were even on school campuses handing out “free samples” of their vape pods that were designed to look like a USB drive. As you can see, they blatantly geared their advertising towards youth.
In April 2022, Juul reached a $22.5 million settlement with Washington state over claims that it unlawfully targeted underage consumers. North Carolina struck a $40 million accord with Juul in 2021 over how the company markets products to underage users. These settlements should go to the children that are left addicted to nicotine!
Unfortunately, they are just one of many companies securing their future profits on the backs of our kids. To stop the tobacco industry from targeting our children, please see the information below.
- Contact the FDA and ask them to eliminate all flavored e-cigarettes which are the biggest attraction to the youth nicotine addiction crisis. Report anyone selling tobacco products to anyone under 21, or handing out samples.
- Call the FDA at 1-877-CTP-1373 (1-800-287-1373).
- Download and mail a reporting form to the following address: Center for Tobacco Products, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Avenue, Document Control Center, Building 71, Room G335; Silver Spring, MD 20993-002
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